The pre-purchase examination is a service provided by equine vet.
Pre-purchase exams are advisable to protect both the buyer and the seller of a horse.
We provide two options:
- Partial Examination: Stages 1 & 2 for unbroken and/or breeding only horses.
- Full Examination: Stages 1-5 this is for any horse that can and will be ridden.
We will not do anything less than a 5 stage exam on a ridden horse, as there is so much that is not detected unless the full exam is done, which has the potential to leave all parties involved in a tricky situation, best avoided.
We also offer x-rays, endoscopy, and blood tests for sedatives &/or anti-inflammatories
Please contact the clinic for a full price estimate.
We suggest the buyer contact us a few days before they wish to do the exam, both for scheduling reasons, and so we can get the necessary paperwork done. Both the buyer and seller will need to fill in paperwork, and the buyer will need to pre-pay for the exam if they are not normally our client.
The exams are done at Barge Park, where you will need to have a rider for the horse to complete the exam.
If extras are required such as x-rays, endoscope or reproductive exam, this will be done afterwards. Full directions are given when booking the exam.